Have you ever purchased something because you saw other people buying it? Or have you ever seen a long line of people at a restaurant and decided to go eat there?
If you can answer “yes” to one or both of those questions, you’ve felt the effects of social proof in marketing. Social proof is based on the idea that people are more likely to do something if others are doing it, which is also known as the bandwagon effect. When we aren’t 100% sure what choice to make, we often take cues from others. We do that because we assume that people around us know something we don’t, so we tend to model our behavior and our choices around theirs.
Social proof is the psychological concept that people are influenced in their decision making by others.
The psychology of social proof lies in our tendency to look to others for guidance when we are uncertain.
It has become an important part of how businesses communicate because it helps people choose who and what to trust online. In an uncertain environment, social proof in marketing provides a way for consumers to make better decisions. How do you get a customer who’s new to your brand to trust your product or service enough to give you their hard-earned money without ever having tried it? You do so by showcasing the success stories from happy customers who love your product or service.
So now let’s talk about how social proof can boost brand awareness and attract new business.
In the context of marketing, social proof in marketing provides evidence of the popularity of a brand among consumers.
This popularity influences the purchase decisions of both prospective and returning customers. Social proof in marketing is a tactic that uses other people’s positive experiences with a product or service to persuade potential customers to buy it too. It also shows how others have purchased and found value in a product or service to increase conversion rates. Higher conversion rates indicate that a website’s design and marketing strategies are effective and more of your site traffic converts to meaningful actions that grow your business. This can lead to a higher return on investment (ROI) on marketing campaigns, increased profits, business growth, and a growing customer base. Sounds good, right?!
Social proof can help establish trust and credibility witH POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS.
Earning the trust of potential customers is a make-or-break factor for small businesses looking to grow. Social proof in marketing is key to building credibility and establishing trust with these potential customers and clients. It allows them to witness that others have had a positive experience and invested in your product or service, and that they continue to come back. Social proof also shows them that your product is reliable and trustworthy, which increases their confidence in you. It is a brilliant tool for increasing authenticity. Positive brand mentions, such as user-generated content (UGC), testimonials, or reviews, are seen as the most trustworthy form of content a brand can use to showcase its products and services.
Used effectively, social proof provides upfront reassurance for customer doubts and uncertainties. Those constant questions about whether or not they should purchase something are silenced as they see other people reacting positively to it. Seeing social proof in marketing, especially when online or on social media, can oftentimes be the thing that gets people to actually click “purchase” or “buy now.” People simply want to know if what they are about to buy is going to work for them, and what better way to show them than by letting other satisfied customers do the talking.
Showing genuine reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers can give your brand an authentic image.
Positive reviews can make it easier for people to go from a spectator to a client. Research shows that 94% of customers say that ratings and reviews are the biggest factor in their purchasing decision. Seeing a high star rating or reading a positive review or testimonial can reduce perceived risk of a purchasing decision and help to validate their decision. They can also reassure potential buyers and customers that others have found value in the product or service they are considering. Managing and incorporating reviews and ratings into a marketing strategy can help shape a brand’s overall reputation.
Here are some ways to use customer reviews for social proof:
- Display reviews on your website
- Add reviews to other marketing materials, such as ad campaigns, email marketing, and product pages
- Highlight reviews from recognized industry experts or influencers to further influence consumers to buy your products or services
- Highlight positive customer experiences on your social media platforms
- Combine reviews with data or numbers to show how many people have purchased a product or service
Integrating social proof into the customer journey can benefit your business.
To attract and win customers, you must know how to strategically utilize social proof in marketing in the first 3 stages of the customer journey. In order to do that, you must first understand the customer journey, map it out, and then integrate social proof to deliver the right content at the right time and place. Here’s how you can do that:
- Awareness stage: This stage is when a potential buyer or customer becomes aware of your business, product and/or service, and begins researching it. The best way to incorporate social proof in marketing at this stage is in advertising techniques. Consider showcasing customer testimonials on your social media platforms or Google ads to help grab their attention.
- Consideration stage: Here, the potential customer has been made aware of several possible choices for their particular wants or needs and they begin comparing the solutions to make their final decision. At this stage you can use social proof on your website or email marketing to engage prospects. Include reviews, ratings, and feedback from customers as well as endorsements and real-life photos that have resulted from customers using your products or services.
- Decision stage: This stage is also known as the conversion stage. Now the customer has all the information they need on the various options available to them. This is the stage where the purchase is made. Using social proof in your checkout process is a great way to encourage conversions. You can include a link to customer reviews or include a product page with written reviews from real customers. You may also consider a visual UGC gallery with photos. Any of these options provides a gentle nudge to the customers to act and buy the product.
People tend to be skeptical of new products and services, so social proof in marketing can help alleviate their doubts.
It shows them that others have taken the plunge and are satisfied with the results. This conveys value and can demonstrate the value of your products or services through the experiences of other customers. Remember that when a customer feels reassured in their decisions, they are more likely to not question their choice to make a purchase. As consumers ourselves, I think we can all relate to that feeling. Using social proof in your marketing campaigns is an impactful way to help your business gain positive attention. It can help your brand grow their customer base and allow for more people to join in and create a “buzz” around your products or services. And trust me – this type of “buzz” is not one you want to run away from!
Now that you understand the concept of social proof in marketing it is time to take action and amplify your marketing strategy. Remember that people want validation before trusting a brand. So, start promoting your brand by leveraging reviews, testimonials, ratings, feedback, and see your business transform.